702 : Manage Message Board

Add Message Done
Date : 240917b
Publish : Yes
Title :   2024 Team Photos
Message : 2024 Team Photos can now be viewed in the BOTSc Photo Gallery.
Links : View Photos
Date : 240917
Publish : Yes
Title :   International Games
Message : Sign up is now open for the 2024 BOTSC International Games.
Date : 240907
Publish : Yes
Title :   Bradwell Tournament Photos
Message : Check out some photos from the Ken Bradwell Soccer Tournament held on Sat Aug 31st.
Links : View Photos
Date : 240825
Publish : Yes
Title :   Scott McBride
Message : Saddly we announce the sudden passing of Club Member Scott McBride.
Links : View Details
Date : 240718
Publish : Yes
Title :   Kinetic Konnection
Message : A note to Club Members from one of the Club Sponsors.
Links : View Note
Date : 240717
Publish : Yes
Title :   Upcoming Events
Message : Please note the upcoming events for the next 2 months by scrolling Upcoming Events above.
Links :
Date : 240706b
Publish : Yes
Title :   2nd International Food Festival - Sun Aug 11th
Message : Enjoy the BOTSC International Food Festival at Millcroft Park from 10am to 3pm.
Date : 240706a
Publish : Yes
Title :   Euro2024 Game Final at the Legion - Sun Jul 14
Message : The Legion will be hosting Euro2024 fans at 2pm.
Date : 240604
Publish : Yes
Title :   Walking Soccer
Message : The Tuesday Morning Walking Soccer group had their first session on May 28th.
Links : See Photo
Date : 240523
Publish : Yes
Title :   Wednesday Evening Pick UP
Message : The club is offering Wednesday evening pickup games at City View from 6-8pm starting on June 5th. Must sign up if interested.
Links : View Details
Date : 240516
Publish : Yes
Title :   Bill Randle
Message : Update on Bill Randle who suffered a cardiac arrest.
Links : View Update
Date : 240403
Publish : Yes
Title :   Adrian Caulcutt
Message : It is with sadness we announce the passing of Club Member Adrian Caulcutt who was a member from 2009 until last year 2023.
Links : View Details
Date : 240326
Publish : Yes
Title :   Mark Prescott
Message : It is with sadness we announce the passing of Club Member Mark Prescott who was a member from 2014 until last year 2023.
Links : View Details
Date : 240324
Publish : Yes
Title :   Team Lists
Message : The Team Drafts were successfully completed yesterday and the team lists have been posted.
Date : 240322
Publish : Yes
Title :   Feb Executive Meeting
Message : The minutes to the Feb 2024 Executive Meeting have been posted.
Links : View Minutes
Date : 240319
Publish : Yes
Title :   BOTSC Bowlers
Message : Check out the photo of our first BOTSC Bowlers.
Links : View Photo
Date : 240220c
Publish : Yes
Title :   Winter Outdoor Group Photo
Message : View a photo of the folks brave enough to play outdoors on Sunday Mornings.
Links : View Photo
Date : 240220b
Publish : Yes
Title :   Season Opener
Message : The first Sunday Game of 2024 is on April 28th.
Date : 240220a
Publish : Yes
Title :   Uniform Pickup and Games Night
Message : The date has been set for April 18th at a place and time to be determined.
Links : View Details
Date : 240125
Publish : Yes
Title :   Jan Executive Meeting Minutes
Message : The minutes to the Jan minutes are now available.
Links : View Minutes
Date : 240120
Publish : Yes
Title :   Registered Players
Message : See who has registered so far.
Links : View Now
Date : 240117
Publish :
Title :   2024 Registration
Message : The registration for the 2024 season is now open.
Links : Register Now
Date : 231215
Publish : Yes
Title :   Holiday Food Drive
Message : The BOTSC is conducting a Food Drive in support of the Local Food Bank,
Links : View Details
Date : 231214
Publish : Yes
Title :   BOTSC Executive Meeting Minutes
Message : The minutes from the Dec meeting have been posted.
Links : View Minutes
Date : 231205
Publish : Yes
Title :   2023 AGM Minutes
Message : The 2023 AGM Minutes are now available.
Links : View Minutes
Date : 231113
Publish : Yes
Title :   2024 Executive Team
Message : Meet the new Executive Team for 2024 as voted in at the AGM
Date : 231112
Publish : Yes
Title :   Annual General Meeting
Message : The list of proposed changes to the Club Constitution and Nominations to the Executive Positions have been posted.
Links : View Details
Date : 231003
Publish : Yes
Title :   Cup & Spoon Winners
Message : The results of the Cup and Wooden Spoon games have been posted.
Links : View Results
Date : 230929
Publish : Yes
Title :   Promo Video - Join the Club
Message : Check out the new promo video courtesy of Phil Prata.
Links : View Video
Date : 230923
Publish : Yes
Title :   Banquet Tickets
Message : Banquet tickets are now available.
Links : Purchase Now
Date : 230918
Publish : Yes
Title :   Rowly Bowl Donation to the Burlington Food Bank
Message : A donation of $2500 was presented to the Burlington Food Bank.
Links : View Photo
Date : 230909
Publish : Yes
Title :   Photos from the Golf Tournament
Message : Some photos from the Annual Golf Tournament on Sep 9<sup>th</sup> at Tyandaga have been posted.
Links : View Photos
Date : 230905
Publish : Yes
Title :   International Games
Message : The International Games Tournament has been set for Sunday October 15th at Norton Park. You can now sign up if you are interested in participating.
Links : Sign Up Now
Date : 230901
Publish : Yes
Title :   Photos from the Pubdaze at Squires
Message : Some photos from our Pubdaze at Squires on Aug 27<sup>th</sup> have bee posted.
Links : View Photos
Date : 230831
Publish : Yes
Title :   Pick Up Games on Sep 3
Message : A pick up game has been arranged for Sep 3rd at Iroquois Park for those interested in playing. No sign up required, just show up. Starts at 10am.
Links :
Date : 230819
Publish : Yes
Title :   Photos From Masters BBQ
Message : Photos from the Masters BBQ have been posted to the Photo Gallery.
Links : View Photos
Date : 230817
Publish : Yes
Title :   Cards Issued Report
Message : A new Cards Issued Report shows that this year the level of play has become more aggressive compared to last year.
Links : View Report
Date : 230813a
Publish : Yes
Title :   International Foods Day Photos
Message : Some photos from the BOTSC first International Foods Day have been posted.
Links : View Photos
Date : 230813
Publish : Yes
Title :   Rowly Bowl Photos
Message : Photos from the Rowly Bowl Tournament have be posted.
Links : View Photos
Date : 230729c
Publish : Yes
Title :   Aug 13, 2023 - Playoff Season and Standings
Message : Please note that the Playoff Season begins on Aug 13th. The Standings will be available at
Date : 230729b
Publish : Yes
Title :   Aug 5, 2023 - Cut off Date for Golf Tournament Sign Up.
Message : The deadline to sign up for the Annual BOTSC Golf Tournament is fast approaching.
Date : 230729a
Publish : Yes
Title :   Jul 30, 2023 ; Another Pub Daze
Message : This time at Piper Arms.
Links : View Details
Date : 230625
Publish : Yes
Title :   Pick Up Games on Jul 2nd
Message : There are no scheduled games for Sun Jul 2nd but pick games will be available at Iroquois Park. If interested please sign up.
Links : Sign up here
Date : 230612b
Publish : Yes
Title :   Another Pub Daze
Message : Our 3rd Pub Daze of 2023 will be on Sunday Jun 25th at Squires.
Links : View Details
Date : 230612
Publish : Yes
Title :   Rowly Bowl Tournament
Message : The Rowly Bowl Tournament to raise funds for the Local Food Bank is set for Sunday August 6th. at Iroquois Park.
Date : 230513b
Publish : Yes
Title :   House of Providence Picnic
Message : Everyone is welcome to attend the House of Providence Picnic on Wednesday May the 31st.
Links : View Details
Date : 230513a
Publish : Yes
Title :   2nd Pubdaze of 2023
Message : Our second pubdaze will be at the Black Bull after the games on Sunday May 28th.
Links : View Details
Date : 230505
Publish : Yes
Title :   Minutes Executive Meetings
Message : The minutes to the April Executive Meeting have been posted.
Links : View Minutes
Date : 230428a
Publish : Yes
Title :   Annual BOTSC Golf Tournament
Message : The tournament will be a Tyandaga Golf Course on Saturday Sept. 9th. Limited to 40 golfers and you must sign up by Aug 5th.
Date : 230428
Publish : Yes
Title :   First Pub Daze
Message : The first Pub Daze of the 2023 season will be Sunday Apr 30th at Piper Arms.
Links : View Details
Date : 230405
Publish : Yes
Title :   Notice to Members
Message : Please read and review the following Notices
Date : 230404
Publish : Yes
Title :   March Executive Meeting Minutes
Message : Minutes to the March Executive meeting have been posted.
Links : View Minutes
Date : 230307
Publish : Yes
Title :   Minutes Executive Meetings
Message : The minutes to the Feb 2023 Executive Meeting have been posted.
Links : View Minutes
Date : 230221
Publish : Yes
Title :   Paul Halpin
Message : Pass member and club sponsor Paul Halpin has passed away.
Links : View Details
Date : 230212
Publish : Yes
Title :   2023 Team Rosters and Game Schedules
Message : The team rosters and game schedules for the 2023 season have been posted.
Links : Read More
Date : 230210
Publish : Yes
Title :   First Social Event of 2023
Message : Our first social event in 2023 will be a Casino Night at Flamboro Downs on Sat Mar 4th.
Links : View Details
Date : 230203a
Publish : Yes
Title :   Brian Shorthouse
Message : Past member Brian Shorthouse passed away on Monday Jan 30th.
Links : View Details
Date : 230203
Publish : No
Title :   Josip Jadi
Message : Club member and team sponsor Josip Jadi passed away on Tuseday Jan 31st.
Links : View Details
Date : 230130
Publish : Yes
Title :   Annual Teams Draft
Message : The Teams Draft will take place at Piper Arms on Saturday Feb 11th.
Links : View Details
Date : 230119
Publish : Yes
Title :   Lewis Wing
Message : Past member Lewis Wing has passed away.
Links : View Details
Date : 230102b
Publish : No
Title :   2023 Registration
Message : Registration for the 2023 season for all returning players is now open.
Links : Click Here
Date : 230102a
Publish : No
Title :   New Year Day at the Domes
Message : View some photos from the New Year's Day Games.
Links : View Photos