Note: Reflects changes made at the 2024 AGM
- Full Name : This organization (hereinafter referred to as the “Club”) shall be known as the “Burlington Old-Timers Soccer Club Inc.”
- Abbreviation : The accepted abbreviation for the Club shall be “BOTSC”
- Domain Name : The Club’s Internet domain name shall be “”
The aims and objectives of this Club shall be as follows:
- To develop and encourage sportsmanship, community spirit, and good fellowship among all participants to the betterment of their physical, mental and social wellbeing.
- To establish a club which enables adults to enjoy playing the game of soccer for recreation.
- To place all playing members, who are in good standing per the Club’s Constitution, on the Club’s Players List.
- To draft all members on the Club’s Players List into teams at the annual draft; such drafting to be carried out by the Team Convenors.
- To disallow team entries.
The Club shall be composed of members as hereinafter set out, and shall be managed by an Executive Committee as stated in these Articles.
- Membership shall be open to those persons who support the aims and objectives of the Club, and the player code of conduct, subject to the requirements of ByLaw 1: Eligibility for Membership.
- Membership is not based on previous soccer experience or talent. Membership is open to all levels of ability
- Members of the Club shall agree to abide by the by-laws of the Municipality of the City of Burlington as they pertain to the Club.
- The period of membership shall be from the date the member signs the Clubs registration form and waiver until the day immediately preceding the following years registration date.
- Membership in the BOTSC can be revoked or denied by the Executive, should the individual be found to not abide by the Aims & Objectives of the Club as defined in Article 2.
- A member is considered in good standing if all eligibility criteria described in the Articles and By-Laws have been met and membership has not been revoked or denied, in the current and previous season.
- Individuals who are in good standing per the club constitution can apply to join the club as a non-playing associate member. For a nominal membership fee, determined by that year’s executive, associate members will be added to the club mailing list and shall be entitled to take part in non regular season games and social activities.
- The day-to-day business of the Club shall be conducted by an Executive Committee.
- The Executive Committee shall include the Past-President, President, VicePresident, Treasurer, Match Secretary, Secretary, Social Convenor, Team Convenors and all annual positions.
- The Executive Committee shall be presided over by the President.
- The outgoing President, on completion of his term of office, shall occupy the position of Past President.
- The Past-President position shall exist solely for the purposes of continuity and advisement.
- All committee members are responsible to the Executive Committee.
- Members of the executive committee or other volunteers of the BOTSC, their heirs, executors, administrators and estate and effects respectively shall be indemnified and saved harmless at all times by the BOTSC against all costs, losses and expenses incurred by them respectively in or about the discharge of their respective duties, except such as happens from their own respective willful neglect or default.
- All executive members must attend at least 60% of all executive meetings including the AGM. Failure to do so could result in removal from the executive.
- No person may hold more than 2 Executive positions. Ideally one of which should be a Convenor.
- To establish transparency of day-to-day club business by allowing all playing members in good standing to attend regular club executive meetings but who will not be allowed to take part in the meeting unless with the express invitation of the executive. In the event of the need for privacy the club president shall have the option to close the meeting to all non-executive members.
- To maintain transparency, all Club business requiring a vote of the Executive, will be conducted during the regular meetings of the Executive. The Executive may vote on Club business through e-mail with votes being recorded. Any items voted on by e-mail shall be posted on the Clubs' web site.
- Terms of Office
Terms of office for the members of the Executive Committee shall be:
Non-annual Positions : 2 Year Terms starting on EVEN Years
- President
- Past President
- Vice-President / Registrar
Non-annual Positions : 2 Year Terms starting on ODD Years
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Match Secretary
Annual Positions : 1 Year Terms
- Social Convenor
- Team Convenors (1 per team)
- Communications Coordinator.
- Disciplinary Committee Chairman
- Equipment Manager
- Referee Coordinator
- Spare Board Coordinator
- Nominations
Nominations for 2 Year Positions
- Prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the previously completed playing year, the Executive Committee and / or Membership shall make nominations for each of the non-annual positions, excluding Past President, which become vacant.
- Any nominations for an Executive Committee position which is becoming vacant, excluding Past President, from the Club membership shall be submitted to the Secretary at least 2 weeks prior to the AGM and posted on the Club’s web site not less than one week prior to the AGM.
- Nominations from the floor of the AGM may be accepted at the discretion of the chair person for inclusion in the member voting.
- Voting shall take place at the AGM. Should any position not be filled at the AGM, the entire membership shall be immediately advised, by direct e-mail and posting on the Club’s website, of the vacant positions. Subsequent nominations or applications are to be received by the Club Secretary no later than 1 week prior to the December meeting of the new Executive. It will be the responsibility of the new Executive to select the most suitable candidate. Should the position be for a 2-year term, the candidate is to be affirmed by the membership at the next AGM.
Nominations for 1 Year Positions
- Nominations for 1 year positions shall be open for election at the AGM.
- Eligibility to vote at the Annual General Meeting
- Members of the Club for the previously completed playing year, who remain in good standing at the time of the AGM, shall be eligible to vote.
- Casting of Votes
- Each eligible member shall have one vote
- Voting by proxy shall not be permitted
- The counting of votes shall be the responsibility of the Chairman of the AGM
- If no member is nominated for a position, the position may be filled by an individual known by and acceptable to the Executive Committee.
- In the event any member of the Executive Committee resigns, or, for any other reason, cannot complete a Term of Office, the Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement for that position to complete the term of the vacated position.
- Any person who accepts a role on the Executive Committee is expected to serve the full term of office (AGM to AGM), even if they do not intend to stand for election the following term. Extenuating circumstances shall be taken into account.
- The President shall preside over all meetings of the Executive.
- During an absence of the Discipline Chairman, the President shall appoint a qualified replacement from the active Club membership.
- The President can be a signing Officer for the Club.
- The President shall arrange for the presentation of the accounting records and bank statement at the Annual General Meeting.
- During an absence of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President.
- The Vice-President can be a signing Officer of the Club.
- The Vice-President shall act as the Club’s Registrar.
- The Registrar, shall chair the Registration Sub-Committee consisting of the treasurer, the waiting list coordinator and each division coordinator (selected from the Convenors) and any other support required.
- The Registration Sub-Committee shall manage the replacement player process.
- Monitor the draft(s).
- Maintain a Waiting List of persons interested in playing in the Club.
- The registration committee must approve any alternate financial arrangement for payment of fees.
- The Treasurer shall be responsible and accountable for all financial matters concerning the Club.
- The Treasurer shall keep an up-to-date record of all financial transactions of the Club.
- When requested by the Executive Committee, the Treasurer shall provide a written financial report.
- The treasurer shall keep an up-to-date register of all active members of the club and fee payments.
- The treasurer with the cooperation of the registrar and the Convenors will ensure all fees are paid in a timely manner.
- The Treasurer can be a signing Officer of the Club.
- The Secretary shall be responsible for notification of Club meetings.
- The Secretary shall be responsible for Club newsletters.
- The Secretary shall act as recording secretary for all Club meetings.
- The Secretary shall act as custodian of all inactive Club records, files, and financial documents.
- The Secretary can be a signing Officer of the Club.
- The Match Secretary shall be responsible for arranging fixture lists, game schedules and venues.
- The Match Secretary shall be one of the Clubs’ appointees to Sports Groups where necessary and City of Burlington Sports Users groups.
SOCIAL Convenor :
- The Social Convenor shall be responsible for organizing all social activities of the Club under guidance of the Executive Committee.
- The Social Convenor may establish a Social Committee with the responsibility of scheduling and organizing such activities.
TEAM Convenor:
- Each Team Convenor shall be responsible for the selection, operation and control of a recreational Soccer Team comprised of eligible playing members. This includes ensuring all team members get an equal amount of playing time regardless of their grading and who fully understands the Aims and Objectives of the BOTSC (Article 2, a&b)
- Team Convenors are responsible for reporting player absences notified or otherwise on a weekly basis to a designated individual who will maintain a record of each team’s attendance for executive review prior to the following season’s registration.
- The Communications Coordinator shall be responsible for Club communications such as the Club website.
- The Disciplinary Committee Chairman shall chair the Disciplinary Committee.
- The Disciplinary Committee shall maintain a record of all member player offenses and assigned sanctions.
- The Equipment Manager shall consult with the Team Convenors regarding uniform requirements.
- The Equipment Manager shall consult with the Team Convenors regarding equipment requirements ( e.g. nets, ties, pegs, stepladders, corner flags, linesman flags, balls, equipment bags).
- The Equipment Manager shall order uniforms from a supplier approved by the Executive Committee.
- The Equipment Manager shall ensure that uniforms are available by the scheduled “Uniform Day”.
- The Referee Coordinator shall be responsible for the scheduling and payment of Referees for all games played by the Club.
- The Referee Coordinator can be a signing officer for the Club.
- The Spares Board Coordinator will oversee the Spares Board (Spares List) of actively interested members as potential spares for regular season games.
- The Spares Board Coordinator shall be responsible for maintaining regular contact with team Convenors and players on the Spares Board to coordinate the call up of spare substitute players for regular games.
- The Spares Board consists of individuals from the Associate Members, Masters Only Members and Club Waiting List candidates who have registered to be on the Spares List.
- The Past President is an important resource for the current President to ensure continuity and to leverage a wealth of knowledge.
- The Disciplinary Committee shall consist of a minimum of three Club Members picked by the Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee and approved by the executive.
- b. Disciplinary meetings shall be held when found necessary by the Disciplinary Committee Chairman and always when dealing with matters relating to the issuance of a Red Card.
- A quorum of three Discipline Committee Members shall be present at all Disciplinary Committee meetings.
- If necessary, the Disciplinary Committee Chairman shall cast the deciding vote.
- A majority decision of the Disciplinary Committee shall determine the disciplinary action and/or suspension applicable to any Member found guilty of an on-field offense.
- Disciplinary Committee Appeals shall be made to the Clubs’ Executive, or per the BOTSC By-Laws.
- Meetings of the Executive shall take place at such time and locations as determined by the President.
- Notice of an Executive Committee meeting shall be given to each Executive Officer not less than seven (7) days prior to such a meeting.
- At an Executive meeting, a quorum shall consist of a minimum of 8 voting Executive members.
- Convenors may designate a team member to represent their team at Executive meetings when the Convenor is unable to attend. These alternate members (or co-convenor) will have their team’s voting rights only for those meetings they do attend. There can only be one vote per team
The voting procedure at Executive Committee Meetings shall be as follows:
- Each Executive Committee member, with the exception of the Past-President, shall have one vote.
- The Past-President shall have no vote.
- If an individual holds multiple Executive Committee positions, that individual shall have only one vote.
- In order for a motion to be carried, a simple majority vote is required. In the event of a tie, the President shall cast the deciding vote
- Any proposed amendments to the Articles or By-Laws shall be made in writing.
- Proposed amendments shall be voted on at a General Meeting.
- Proposed amendments shall be delivered to the Secretary at least two weeks prior to the General Meeting.
- Proposed amendments shall be posted at a convenient location, for viewing by Club members, at least one week prior to the General Meeting.
- A simple majority vote at the General Meeting shall be required to pass amendments.
- The Executive, at an Executive Committee Meeting (ECM), may amend existing, or enact new, By-Laws so long as they do not conflict with the Articles of Constitution. A two-thirds majority of executives at an ECM shall be required to pass amendments to the By-Laws. Such amendments must be submitted for vote in accordance with (a) to (e) above at the next General Meeting.
- The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held after the end of the playing season and prior to the Club registration date for the next season.
- The President shall appoint a Chairman to conduct the AGM.
- An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be held at the request of at least 25% of the members.
- A request for an EGM shall be made, in writing, to the Secretary.
- The Secretary shall arrange for the EGM to be held approximately two weeks after the request has been received.
- Information regarding the EGM shall be posted at a convenient location, for viewing by Club members, at least one week prior to the EGM.
- At an EGM, a quorum shall consist of 25% of the members.
- The President shall appoint a Chairman to conduct the EGM.
- To pass motions raised at an EGM, a simple majority vote shall be required.
- Any action to dissolve the Club must be agreed at an AGM or EGM by a two - thirds vote of the members present. Notice must be provided to all members at least 30 days in advance.
Playing Members:
- All Players in good standing per the Clubs’ By-Laws shall be eligible to apply for membership, subject to Club capacity as determined by the Executive Committee.
- If the Club is affiliated with the OSA, all players must be in good standing with that organization to be eligible for membership in the Club.
Section A. Registration process and requirements
- Registration matters shall be conducted by a Sub-Committee of the Executive (hereinafter the Registration Committee).
- All Club members registered in the previous playing year have the right to be a playing member in the current year, providing they participated in 60% of the previous year’s games and still meet by-law 1(a) requirements or at the discretion of the executive committee.
- It is a requirement that they register by the date specified by the Registration Committee for registration.
- All applicants for Registration shall furnish proof of age (e.g. birth certificate, drivers’ license, etc.) and one passport size photograph.
- All participants shall be registered on designated Club registration forms and shall be the minimum qualifying age as of December 31st of the playing year. The Minimum qualifying age will be set by the Executive for that year and will not be less than 40 years. In the event that the qualifying age is higher in a consecutive year, standard grandfather rules will apply for existing members who would be deemed to be underage. This rule would apply to individuals on the waiting list.
- The Registration deadline shall be determined by the Registration Committee.
- When required by Ontario Public Health (or local public health), players and members must provide proof of fully completed Covid 19 vaccination requirement.
- At the time of Registration, a player shall provide dates of any absences that are planned to be greater than 2 (two) weeks during the forthcoming season.
Section B. Registration fee payments
- Any Member of the Club who is older than 65 years of age as of January 1st of that playing year, and who has played for the club for the last five (5) years, shall become an Honorary Life Member of the Club.
- Players are only eligible to play after all fees have been paid. No player will receive a uniform or be allowed to play until fees are paid.
- The Registration Committee must approve any alternate financial arrangement for payment of fees.
- The Executive may pay an honorarium for the following duties, such payment to be up to and no more than one normal registration fee:
- Registrar
- Communications
- Referee Coordinator
Section A. Replacement Player Assignment
- The Club Registrar and the Registration Committee shall assign all replacement player assignments. Where possible all Convenors will be notified of the assignment prior to the player playing his first game. Convenors cannot select replacement players for their team.
- The Registration Committee will assign replacement players and have sole discretion on which players are assigned to which team; following the replacement guidelines.
- If, prior to the playoffs, a registered player is unable to complete that playing year, then the player’s team shall be allowed to add a replacement player, from the Club Waiting List provided that the team's roster would drop below the minimum roster as specified by the Executive Committee.
- The Registrar will send a Bi-weekly list to all convenors of players on the waiting list with their position, grading and the date they applied to be put on the list.
Section B. Replacement Player Guidelines
- Replacement players shall be selected from the Club Waiting List in the following sequence:
- The person who is highest on the Waiting List, for the same grade as that of the player being replaced, and who is available to play.
- The person who is highest on the Waiting List, for the grade higher than that of the player being replaced, and who is available to play.
- The person who is highest on the Waiting List, for the grade lower than that of the player being replaced, and who is available to play.
- Prospective players on the Waiting List, who are invited to register and decline, shall be moved to the bottom of the Waiting List. Players on the Waiting List, who do register as replacement players during a playing season, are registered for the current season only. However, replacement players who are included during the draft, or between the draft and the season start, shall be granted full membership status.
- Players who are replaced by a replacement player, by reason of injury, shall be entitled to be included in the following year's draft.
Section C. Substitute Player Guidelines (A Division)
- During the play-offs a team may request substitute player(s) (from the spare list) if their roster is expected to be BELOW 12 players.
- The substitue player(s) must be of equal grade or lower grade to a missing player – no higher.
- Maximum number of substitue players per team / per game is 2 (two).
- On the day of the game should the team requesting substitute player(s) have 12 or more of its' regular team players available at any time during the game, the substitute player(s) will not be permitted to play
- Substitute player(s) may not be used at the expense of playing time for actual team members.
Section D. Substitute Player Guidelines (B Division)
- No substitute Players allowed in any play-off games in the B Division.
- Any player who voluntarily resigns from the Club team to which he was drafted, shall relinquish his playing rights for the remainder of that season in that division, and shall be placed, should he so choose, at the top of the Clubs' Waiting List for subsequent selection during the following season or be available for replacement in the second division.
- Players may resign from one division to accept a position in another division if they qualify.
- A resigning player must complete a resignation form before a team can request a replacement player. The Convenor can sign this form.
- Players that leave active playing status shall receive refunds as follows:
- A full refund will be given to a player after he resigns and has returned the issued uniform to his Convenor up to and including the 4th scheduled game of the season.
- After the fourth schedule game there will be NO refund for any player.
- Replacement players shall pay a pro-rated registration fee based on the percentage of scheduled games remaining in the current season.
- Associate Members, Masters Only Members and Club Waiting List candidates who have registered to be on the Spares List may participate in club sponsored kick abouts (e.g. mid-week and non scheduled games) and can be called up to play regular club games as a “Substitute Spare Player” for a division team which they qualify to play.
- A Substitute Spare Player may only be called up for a maximum number of games as determined by the Executive, after which they must pay a fee per game as determined by the Executive.
- A player on the waiting list who refuses a team assignment as either a Substitute Spare Player or as a replacement player, may not be allowed to play any further club sanctioned games.
- Substitute Spare Players cannot be called up to play for only one specific team unless this is the only team that requires a call up player.
- Substitute Spare Players can only be assigned by the Spare Board Coordinator or Registration Committee. A Convener may not ask the player to return for subsequent games.
Player eligibility and draft
- All eligible Players in good standing within the Club and registered for the season prior to the draft shall be placed on the Club’s Players List.
- All players on the Club’s Players List shall be drafted by the Team Convenors at the Annual Draft.
- The Registrar and Team Convenors will determine the rules for the draft and shall draft eligible players, as defined in by-laws 1 and 2, with the objective of creating Club teams that are balanced in playing talent.
- d. The division structure and number of teams will be determined by the response to the registration with the basic format to be two divisions consisting of:
- one division (the A Division) based on the minimum age as set in by-law 2 section A para 2. and
- a second division (the B Division) based on a minimum age of 60 and/or any players not selected for the A Division
- The transfer of any player from one team to another must have unanimous approval of all Team Convenors and the Vice-President/Registrar.
- In the event that teams have to be balanced, and the Team Convenors plus the Vice-President/Registrar cannot reach unanimous decision, then the Executive Committee will decide upon the transfer with a simple majority vote.
FIFA’s Laws of the Game and any other rulings adopted by the Club will govern all sanctioned club games.
- Unlimited substitutions will be allowed at any stoppage of play.
- The club disallows slide tackling and players will be warned or carded.
- Rules regarding uniforms, footwear and equipment shall be as covered by F.I.F.A. – per FIFA Laws of the Game and rulings adopted by the Club.
- Allow all team members who are present to take part in penalty shoot-outs.
- Health tracking devices may be worn by a player during a game provided that they are suitably covered.
- Any player ejected from any Club sanctioned game for receiving a red or two yellow cards shall be referred to the Disciplinary Committee by the match referee by way of e-mail or other report. All cards shall be reported by the Referee to the Disciplinary Committee by email or written means within 48 hours of the offence.
- Upon receipt of the Referee report the Disciplinary Committee Chair will advise the Player and Convenor in writing of the length of any automatic suspension per the Club Guidelines. Such suspension to be immediate. Additional suspensions may be assessed after the Discipline Committee has reviewed the referee report. Should a claim of mistaken identity be made the Team Convenor must provide the identity of the correct individual, who shall then become the person accused.
- Should the Disciplinary Committee consider that additional sanction is warranted or should be considered, the Disciplinary Committee shall use the DBR/DBH (discipline by review/hearing) system. Upon written notification by the Disciplinary Committee that the referees report has been received and that additional sanction is being considered, the accused will have three days (72 hours) to request in writing to the Disciplinary Committee Chairman a hearing under the DBH system.
- Should the player elect to forego a DBH the Disciplinary committee will hold a DBR meeting at the earliest opportunity. The Disciplinary Committee will assess any discipline based on discipline by review (DBR), incorporating the referee’s report, the club’s Disciplinary guidelines, and any additional information provided or requested by the committee. Decisions made under the DBR system cannot be appealed.
- Any member may submit a written complaint reporting misconduct by another member. The complaint shall be investigated by the Discipline Chairperson. If the investigation determines that the offender has committed misconduct under the Discipline Guidelines the complaint will be dealt with by the DBR/DBH system. Action will only be taken if the member making the complaint is willing to act as a witness at any subsequent hearing. If the investigation determines that the offender breached the Code of Conduct, the complaint will be reviewed by the Executive Committee.
- Any Player who willfully plays, or any Team representative who allows a Player to play, who is found to be ineligible, shall be subject to disciplinary action.
- Any Player who participates in any club, tournament, or exhibition game while under suspension shall be subject to further disciplinary action.
- Referees shall be assigned to each game by the referee coordinator.
- If a referee is not available, or the assigned referee fails to show, then the Team Convenors or their delegates shall assume full responsibility for the refereeing with a Team Convenor or delegate from each Team refereeing one half of the game.
- Acting referees shall be eligible to issue cautions or ejections if necessary as per By-Law 9; decisions made by the acting referee are final, as if made by an assigned referee, and shall not be challenged by any player.
- If a referee does not show for a game, both Team Convenors shall inform the Referee Coordinator.
- The Referee Coordinator shall take whatever measures are necessary to correct a problem with assigned referees not showing up.
- The Referee Coordinator shall inform the Treasurer of the number of games missed by assigned Referees.
- Assigned referees will follow FIFA Laws of the Game and any additional guidelines provided by the club.
- Referees will provide a written report to the Disciplinary Committee of any offence(s) committed on or off field during any club-sanctioned event. The referee will provide no other input with respect to discipline unless requested by the Disciplinary committee.
- The Referee Coordinator shall convene meetings with the Team Convenors, the Disciplinary Committee and the Referees for the purpose of outlining the Club’s expectations and for addressing any issues and concerns of both parties.
- The Convenors will approve the proposed list of Referees provided by the referee coordinator for each division.
- Should one team have fewer than 11 players or if there is a serious imbalance the two Team Convenors or Team Captains shall resolve to balance the Teams in order to play a game.
- The Club does not financially support, or in any other way, players playing in any soccer games other than as outlined in the Club’s fixture list plus the Club’s Tournaments.
- Players shall not let other soccer games conflict with the Club’s scheduled games.
- The Cup Tournament Trophies shall be loaned to winning sponsors one month after Cup Final Day.
- The Cup Tournament Trophies shall be returned prior to the beginning of the playoffs for the following season.
- Conveners for each division will decide on the play-off format for their divisions, prior to the schedule being set for the season. In the event of a tied vote, the Registrar may cast a deciding vote. In the event no decision is reached, the Executive will decide on the play-off format.
- The bottom teams from each Cup division shall qualify for the Wooden Spoon with the playoff format determined by the Convenors.
- If both teams in a Wooden Spoon knockout or final game have guest players, then play continues as normal.
- If only one of the teams in a Wooden Spoon knockout game has guest players, then that team advances to the Wooden Spoon final.
- In the event of a tie in the Wooden Spoon knockout or final games, penalty kicks shall be taken (as per By-Law 14).
- The losing team in the Wooden Spoon final wins the Wooden Spoon trophy.
- The winning team in the Wooden Spoon final wins the Silver Spoon trophy.
- If any game, during the play-offs, has to be abandoned, then the Team Convenors involved shall meet with a quorum of the Executive within 48 hours to determine a result of that game. This meeting shall take place prior to any further games.
- Any two of the following Executives shall be authorized to sign cheques on behalf of the Club:
- President
- Vice-President/Registrar
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Referee Coordinator
- Cheques will be presented to the monthly Executive committee by the Treasurer for review and signing.
- When a cheque is required to be issued at any other time, either the President or Treasurer MUST be a signatory.
- The Club may recognize additional events during the season, with all registered players and guests where appropriate, eligible for selection.
- Rules for such events shall be established by the Executive and posted for members to allow for members to decide on participation.
- To be eligible for a sanctioned event an individual must complete and sign the Clubs Waiver in full before being eligible to participate.
- All finances with respect to these events shall be run through the Club’s Treasurer.
- Any club players or teams who take part in out-of-town, or out-of-league soccer games which are not sanctioned by the Club, do so on their own cognizance, and shall not imply or otherwise infer Club approval.
- It is the responsibility of each registered player to honour the commitment made to the Club and to his assigned team.
- All Players will conduct themselves in accordance with the aims, objectives and spirit of the Club and the Player code of conduct.
- All players must inform their particular Convenor of anticipated absences, whether this is due to injury, work or vacation. Failure to report will be regarded as a "no-show" and will be recorded with respect to the 60% rule.
- Any player who has failed to communicate his absence to his Convenor for 4 (four) consecutive games will be deemed to have resigned from the club. The responsible Convenor will then be able to request a replacement player from the waiting list.
- Any player missing 8 (eight) games in a season may be removed from the Club. In the subsequent Club season they will be considered a returning player but placed at the bottom of the waiting list.
- It is a player’s responsibility to attend scheduled games. A player that misses 8 (eight) games over the regular season will be eligible for replacement by the Convenor. The registered player would also become ineligible for next seasons draft.
- A registered player will be considered a “no show” when they do not attend a scheduled game regardless of circumstance or notice given. An injured player that attends the games but does not play has demonstrated commitment to the team and will not be considered a “no show”.
- Once a player has missed 7 (seven) games they have the option to resign prior to the 8th game in order to be eligible for priority for next season’s draft.
- All players will endeavour to support Club sanctioned events e.g. the Rowly Bowl, the steak night, the golf tournament, the Annual Banquet and the Annual General Meeting.
- All players will endeavour to support the Club sponsors, in particular, the player's assigned team sponsor.
- All players should recognize, and value, the efforts of the Club on their behalf. Players should give consideration to future volunteer activity in the Executive Committee.
- It is the responsibility of each Convenor to honour the commitment made to the Club and to his assigned team.
- All Convenors will conduct themselves in accordance with the aims, objectives and spirit of the Club and the Player code of conduct.
- Convenors will draft their team using an agreed draft process with the intent of creating a balanced team.
- Convenors will manage their teams to ensure all players will have the opportunity for equal playing time.
- Convenors will manage their team by determining the positions their players will play including goal keepers.
- Team Convenors are responsible for ensuring that Club supplied balls, corner flags and net pegs/ties are available at each venue no less than 15 minutes prior to the scheduled kick-off time.
- No Member may commit the Club to any financial or other obligation without authorization of the Executive Committee. All events that require financial support or commitment of the Club must be submitted to the Executive with detailed budget not less than 2 Executive meetings prior to the event.