Free Pickleball Sessions and more ...
Free 2-Hour Session at The Playground Mon-Fr 11-15 to 1-15pm for BOTSC members, friends and family.
Tell Stef you are affiliated with BOTSC and you get your first session free of charge. Martin Wilson is there most days and is happy to look after anyone from the BOTSC.
The Playground will also be running an Introductory Pickleball class on Wednesday Feb 05 from 11-15 to 1-15pm. This is aimed at those interested in Pickleball but have never played. Limit is 8 players.
A group of BOTSC members currently play on Thursday afternoons led by Martin Wilson. This session is full but if anyone is interested Martin will start up a Tuesday group. If you would like to play Pickleball on Tuesdays, please sign up below. The cost will be around $15 per session.
If there is enough interest, Martin will book courts and ask for an E-transfer to cover about 14 weeks i.e. $210.
If you do not know how to play but want to learn then click here
For more information or questions, send a note to Martin Wilson .
To sign up, complete the following and submit :