501 - Player Resignation

This routine must be processed whenever a club member resigns from the A or B Division.
If the resignation is prior to the Draft. The following changes will be made to the member profile:
  • The Playing Status will change from Active to Not Playing.
  • The date and the reason for resignation will be recorded in the Registrar Notes field.
  • The Member Status will change to Not Registered.
  • The Division will change to PM.
If the resignation is after the Draft. The following changes will be made to the member profile:
  • The Playing Status will change from Active to Injured or Not Playing.
  • The date and the reason for resignation will be recorded in the Registrar Notes field.
  • The player's name will remain on the team list.
  • The player will continue to be a registered member of the club.
Select a Name
Reason for Resignation
Date of Resignation
Eligible for Refund