The Burlington Old Timers Soccer Club includes both an A Division and an B Division that play on Sunday Mornings at either 9 am or 11:15 am from late April to early October. We also have the Masters Group (55 and over) who play pickup soccer on Thursday Mornings between 10 am and 12 noon. If you want you can play both Sundays and Thursdays.
You must be a past member of the club if you to only play in the Masters Group or to be an Associate member of the club.
The current membership fees are as follows:
The fee for A, B and the Masters Group will be prorated based how much playing season is left.
When you apply for membership after the playing season has started and request to play in either the A or B Divisions, you will be placed on the waiting list until a space becomes available on one of the teams.
Registration for the playing season begins in early January and the teams are usually drafted by mid February.
Please note that this is an application form only and does not grant any rights or entitlements to membership in the club. However, once reviewed and accepted you may be called upon at any time to join a team.
The BOTSC assumes no liability or claims no responsibility for any injuries or false expectations accruing from attendance.For more information you can email the Registrar at